Small Toys For Advent Calendar 2024: Everything You Need To Know

Amazon's Selling 15 Fidget Toy Advent Calendars & Your Kid's Holiday
Amazon's Selling 15 Fidget Toy Advent Calendars & Your Kid's Holiday from

The Advent Calendar Tradition

The Advent calendar is a beloved tradition that many families look forward to each year. Originating in Germany in the 19th century, it traditionally consists of a calendar with 24 pockets or drawers, each holding a small gift or treat to count down the days until Christmas. While the treats can vary widely, small toys have become a popular choice in recent years.

Why Small Toys?

Small toys are a great choice for Advent calendars because they are fun and exciting for children to discover each day, and they don’t create clutter or take up too much space in the home. Plus, they can be a great way to encourage imaginative play and creativity.

What Types of Small Toys Work Best?

When it comes to choosing small toys for an Advent calendar, there are many options to consider. Some popular choices include:

  • Miniature figurines or animals
  • Building blocks or construction sets
  • Puzzles or brain teasers
  • Stickers or temporary tattoos
  • Small games or puzzles

Where to Find Small Toys for Advent Calendars

There are many places to find small toys for Advent calendars, both in-store and online. Some great options include:

  • Toy stores or department stores
  • Craft stores or hobby shops
  • Online marketplaces like Amazon or Etsy
  • Specialty shops that cater specifically to Advent calendars


Q: How Many Small Toys Should I Include in an Advent Calendar?

A: This is largely up to personal preference and budget, but a common number is 24, one for each day leading up to Christmas. However, some families choose to include fewer toys or alternate toys with treats or other small gifts.

Q: What Ages Are Small Toys Suitable For?

A: Small toys can be suitable for a wide range of ages, depending on the specific toy and the child’s interests and abilities. However, it’s important to always consider age-appropriateness and safety when selecting toys for young children.

Q: Are Small Toys Environmentally Friendly?

A: While small toys can create waste and contribute to consumerism, there are many eco-friendly options available. Look for toys made from sustainable materials, or consider repurposing or recycling toys after the holiday season.


Small toys can be a great choice for Advent calendars, providing children with a fun and exciting way to count down the days until Christmas. With so many options available, there is sure to be a toy that suits every child’s interests and abilities. So why not start planning your Advent calendar for 2024 today?

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