How To See Someone's Calendar On Outlook 2024

Sharing Calendars in Outlook TechMD
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How to See Someone’s Calendar on Outlook 2024

Outlook is one of the most popular email and calendar management tools used in offices around the world. It’s a great way to stay organized and keep track of meetings and appointments. But what if you need to see someone else’s calendar? This can be useful in a number of scenarios, such as scheduling a meeting with a colleague or checking your boss’s availability. In this article, we’ll show you how to see someone’s calendar on Outlook 2024.

Step 1: Ask for Permission

Before you can see someone else’s calendar, you need their permission. This is important for privacy reasons, as calendars can contain sensitive information such as personal appointments and meetings. You should ask the person whose calendar you want to view if it’s okay for you to do so. If they agree, they can give you access to their calendar in Outlook.

Step 2: Add the Calendar to Your Account

Once you have permission, the next step is to add the person’s calendar to your Outlook account. To do this, open Outlook and go to the Calendar section. Click on the “Open Calendar” button and select “From Address Book”. Type in the name of the person whose calendar you want to view and click “OK”. Their calendar will now be added to your account.

Step 3: View the Calendar

Now that you have access to the person’s calendar, you can view it in several ways. You can switch between your own calendar and theirs by clicking on the calendar name in the left-hand menu. You can also view the calendars side-by-side or overlay them on top of each other to see both schedules at once.

Step 4: Customize the View

Outlook offers several customization options for viewing calendars. You can change the color of the person’s calendar to make it stand out, or you can choose to show or hide certain types of appointments. You can also set reminders for upcoming events and appointments.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I see someone’s calendar without their permission?

A: No, you should always ask for permission before viewing someone else’s calendar. This is important for privacy reasons and to respect the person’s schedule.

Q: Can I edit someone’s calendar if I have access to it?

A: It depends on the level of access the person has given you. If they have given you permission to edit their calendar, you can add or modify appointments. If they have only given you read-only access, you won’t be able to make any changes.

Q: How do I remove someone’s calendar from my account?

A: To remove someone’s calendar from your account, go to the Calendar section in Outlook and right-click on the calendar name. Select “Delete” from the menu. This will remove the calendar from your account, but it won’t affect the person’s original calendar.


Being able to see someone else’s calendar can be a useful tool for collaboration and scheduling. However, it’s important to always ask for permission and respect the person’s privacy. With these steps, you can easily add someone’s calendar to your Outlook account and view it alongside your own schedule.

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