How Do I Get My Calendar Back On My Iphone 2024

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How to share calendar events on iPhone and iPad iMore from


iPhones have become an integral part of our lives. They help us stay connected with friends and family, keep us updated with the latest news, and keep our schedules organized. However, sometimes we encounter issues with our devices that can disrupt our daily routines. One such issue is the disappearance of the calendar app from our iPhone’s home screen. In this article, we will discuss how to get your calendar back on your iPhone in 2024.

Why Did My Calendar Disappear?

If your calendar app has disappeared from your iPhone, there could be several reasons. Sometimes, a software update can cause apps to disappear or move to a different location. Other times, you may have accidentally deleted the app or moved it to a different folder. Whatever the reason, getting your calendar back is essential, especially if you rely on it to keep track of your daily activities.

Steps to Get Your Calendar Back

Step 1: Check Your App Store

The first thing you should do is check your App Store to see if the calendar app is available for download. To do this, open the App Store and search for “Calendar.” If the app shows up in the search results, click on “Get” to download it to your device.

Step 2: Look for the Calendar App in Folders

If you can’t find the calendar app on your home screen, it’s possible that you moved it to a different folder. To look for it, swipe left or right on your home screen to access different pages. Check each folder to see if the app is there. If you find it, press and hold the app icon until it starts to wiggle. Then, drag it to your home screen to make it easily accessible.

Step 3: Reset Your Home Screen Layout

If the calendar app is not in any of your folders, it’s possible that your home screen layout is causing the app to be hidden. To reset your home screen layout, go to “Settings”> “General”> “Reset”> “Reset Home Screen Layout.” This will reset your home screen to its default layout and should make the calendar app visible again.

Step 4: Restore Your iPhone

If none of the above steps work, you may need to restore your iPhone. Before doing this, make sure to back up your data to avoid losing any important information. To restore your iPhone, connect it to your computer and open iTunes. Select your iPhone and click on “Restore iPhone” to start the process. Once the restore is complete, your iPhone should be back to its default settings, and the calendar app should be visible again.


Getting your calendar back on your iPhone 2024 may seem like a daunting task, but with the right steps, you can easily restore it to its default location. Remember to check your App Store, look for the app in folders, reset your home screen layout, and restore your iPhone if necessary. By following these steps, you’ll be able to use your calendar app to keep track of your daily activities and stay organized.

Question and Answer

Q: What if I can’t find the calendar app in the App Store?

A: If the calendar app is not available in the App Store, it’s possible that it was removed from your device during a software update. In this case, you may need to contact Apple Support for further assistance.

Q: Will restoring my iPhone delete all of my data?

A: Yes, restoring your iPhone will erase all of your data. Before doing so, make sure to back up your device to avoid losing any important information.

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