Hinsdale Swim Club Practice Calendar 2024

hinsdale swim club calendar Ernie Schumacher
hinsdale swim club calendar Ernie Schumacher from ernieschumacher.blogspot.com


The Hinsdale Swim Club is a prestigious club that has been in existence for over 50 years. The club offers various programs for swimmers of all ages and skill levels. The club has announced its practice calendar for the year 2024, and this article will provide all the information you need about it.

What is the Hinsdale Swim Club?

The Hinsdale Swim Club is a club that offers various swimming programs. The club has a team of experienced coaches who provide training to swimmers of all ages and skill levels. The club has produced many successful swimmers who have gone on to compete at the national and international levels.

What is the Practice Calendar for 2024?

The practice calendar for 2024 has been released by the Hinsdale Swim Club. The calendar outlines the practice schedule for the entire year. The schedule is designed to help swimmers prepare for upcoming competitions and improve their overall performance.

Practice Schedule

The practice schedule for 2024 is as follows:


6:00 am – 8:00 am (age group swimmers)

8:00 am – 10:00 am (senior swimmers)

4:00 pm – 6:00 pm (age group swimmers)

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm (senior swimmers)


7:00 am – 9:00 am (age group swimmers)

9:00 am – 11:00 am (senior swimmers)


What are the benefits of joining the Hinsdale Swim Club?

Joining the Hinsdale Swim Club has several benefits. The club provides professional coaching, access to top-notch facilities, and the opportunity to compete at various levels. Swimmers who join the club also get the chance to meet and train with other swimmers who share their passion for the sport.

What is the age range for swimmers at the Hinsdale Swim Club?

The Hinsdale Swim Club caters to swimmers of all ages. The club has programs for swimmers as young as 6 years old and as old as 18 years old. The club also has programs for adults who want to learn how to swim or improve their swimming skills.

How can I join the Hinsdale Swim Club?

To join the Hinsdale Swim Club, you need to fill out an online registration form and pay the membership fee. The club offers different membership options, depending on the program you want to join. Once you become a member, you will receive information about the practice schedule and upcoming competitions.


The Hinsdale Swim Club practice calendar for 2024 has been released, and it provides a comprehensive schedule for swimmers of all ages and skill levels. Joining the club has several benefits, including professional coaching, access to top-notch facilities, and the opportunity to compete at various levels. If you are interested in joining the club, you can fill out the online registration form and pay the membership fee.

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