Free Preschool Calendar Printables 2024: The Ultimate Guide

2024 Calendar (PDF, Word, Excel)
2024 Calendar (PDF, Word, Excel) from


Are you looking for a way to keep your preschooler organized and engaged? Look no further than free preschool calendar printables for 2024! These handy tools will help your child learn about days, months, and seasons while also providing a fun way to track their activities and milestones. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about preschool calendars and how to make the most of them for your child’s development.

What Are Preschool Calendar Printables?

Preschool calendar printables are customizable calendars designed for young children. They typically include colorful images, space for writing, and interactive elements like stickers and stamps. These calendars are designed to help preschoolers learn about the basic structure of time, including days of the week, months of the year, and seasonal changes.

Why Use Preschool Calendar Printables?

There are many benefits to using preschool calendar printables with your child. These include:

  • Teaching basic time concepts
  • Encouraging organization and planning skills
  • Providing a fun way to track progress and milestones
  • Increasing engagement and motivation for learning

How to Get Free Preschool Calendar Printables for 2024

There are many websites and resources available that offer free preschool calendar printables for 2024. Some popular options include:


To get started, simply visit one of these websites and search for “preschool calendar printables.” From there, you can download and print the calendar that best fits your needs. Many websites offer a variety of designs and themes, so you can find one that your child will love.

How to Use Preschool Calendar Printables

Once you’ve downloaded your preschool calendar printable, it’s time to start using it with your child. Here are some tips for making the most of this tool:

  • Hang the calendar in a visible location, such as on the fridge or a bulletin board
  • Encourage your child to participate in filling out the calendar each day
  • Use stickers or stamps to mark important events or milestones
  • Review the calendar each week to reinforce time concepts and upcoming events


Here are some common questions and answers about using preschool calendar printables:

Q: What age is appropriate for using preschool calendar printables?

A: Preschool calendar printables are designed for children ages 3-5, but they can be adapted for younger or older children depending on their developmental level.

Q: Do I need to use a different calendar for each year?

A: Yes, it’s a good idea to use a new calendar each year to help reinforce time concepts and changes in the seasons.

Q: Can I create my own preschool calendar printable?

A: Absolutely! There are many free templates and resources available online that can help you create your own customized preschool calendar printable.


Preschool calendar printables are a fun and effective way to help your child learn about time, organization, and planning. By using these tools, you can help your child develop important skills while also providing a fun and engaging activity. So why wait? Download your free preschool calendar printable for 2024 today and start exploring all the possibilities!

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