Catholic Calendar Of Feast Days 2024: A Comprehensive Guide

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The Catholic Church has always been rich in traditions, and one of these is the celebration of feast days. These are special days dedicated to saints, martyrs, and important events in the life of Jesus Christ. In this article, we will give you a rundown of the Catholic calendar of feast days for the year 2024. Whether you are a devout Catholic or simply interested in the faith, this guide will be invaluable.

What are feast days?

Feast days are special days set aside by the Catholic Church to commemorate saints, martyrs, and important events in the life of Jesus Christ. These days are celebrated with special masses and other religious activities. The Catholic Church has a vast collection of feast days, and they are an important part of the Catholic faith.

Why are feast days important?

Feast days are important because they help Catholics to remember and honor the saints and martyrs who have gone before them. These individuals are seen as role models and sources of inspiration for Catholics. Feast days are also important because they remind Catholics of important events in the life of Jesus Christ, such as his birth, death, and resurrection.

What are some of the important feast days in 2024?


January 1 – Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

January 6 – Epiphany of the Lord


February 2 – Presentation of the Lord

February 14 – Ash Wednesday


March 19 – St. Joseph, Husband of Mary

March 25 – Annunciation of the Lord


April 1 – Holy Thursday

April 2 – Good Friday

April 4 – Easter Sunday


May 13 – Our Lady of Fatima

May 23 – Pentecost Sunday


June 3 – Corpus Christi

June 24 – Nativity of St. John the Baptist


July 22 – St. Mary Magdalene

July 26 – Sts. Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary


August 6 – Transfiguration of the Lord

August 15 – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary


September 8 – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

September 14 – Exaltation of the Holy Cross


October 1 – St. Therese of Lisieux

October 28 – Sts. Simon and Jude, Apostles


November 1 – All Saints’ Day

November 2 – All Souls’ Day


December 8 – Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

December 25 – Christmas Day


Feast days are an important part of the Catholic faith, and they help Catholics to remember and honor the saints and martyrs who have gone before them. In this article, we have given you a comprehensive guide to the Catholic calendar of feast days for the year 2024. Whether you are a devout Catholic or simply interested in the faith, we hope that this guide has been helpful to you.

Question and Answer

Q: Are feast days only celebrated by Catholics?

A: Feast days are primarily celebrated by Catholics, but other Christian denominations also have their own versions of feast days.

Q: Can anyone attend a feast day mass?

A: Yes, anyone can attend a feast day mass, regardless of their religious affiliation.

Q: Why do some feast days fall on different dates every year?

A: Some feast days, such as Easter, are based on the lunar calendar, which means that they can fall on different dates every year.

Q: Are feast days still relevant in modern times?

A: Yes, feast days are still relevant in modern times because they help to connect Catholics with their faith and heritage.

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